Mar 26, 2007


Blue Print For Success

Than what is holding you back? Why you don’t achieve excellence? If you have some general knowledge of internet business concept you can set a profitable business online.Sounds good! You have already done a lot of work to get success{remember activity is not same as accomplishment} but if your direction is not right you don’t achieve your goal.
Online earning-Yes it isn’t hard for someone and everyone deserve it.You well know about the concept or business model and you have a good plan for earning from it but main thing is that what is your technique to apply your plan? For example your keyboard have many shortcuts if you don’t know about it what do you think you can draw a picture on screen like a professional? Ans is your task will become much harder,you will spend some more time to achieve your goal and the what is the importance of time you know better. There are many products available on net which were developed by experienced net marketer.Some good,workable and proven systems are here you can view their sales page ensure about product and choose the right one that is suitable for your needs.And remember onething that every best thing have a cost to own. GOODLUCK...

Mar 24, 2007


10 Effective Ways To Promote Your Affiliate Programs by James Woolley

Promoting affiliate programs can undoubtedly produce great financial returns, but unfortunately most people never see these kinds of returns because they never figure out how to effectively promote their affiliate programs. Well this article will hopefully solve this problem as listed below are ten of the best methods you can use to start earning regular affiliate commissions.
1. Forums
Forums are one the most effective ways of marketing your affiliate programs if done correctly. By posting in relevant forums that allow sig files (where you can link to your own affiliate site, or directly to the product you are promoting if this is allowed) you can reach a targeted audience quickly and easily. As long as you post constructive comments, then you should see plenty of people clicking on your sig files to learn more about you, and the products you are promoting.
2. Articles
Writing articles is another cost-effective way of reaching your targeted market. By writing quality articles (that contain your resource box where you can link to your affiliate site) and submitting them to the various article directories, you can gain enormous exposure for your offers. A few people will come across your article in the article directories themselves, but it's when website owners and ezine publishers pick up your article that you can really reach a massive target audience.
3. Press Releases
Press releases are similar to articles in that they provide a quick and easy way of reaching a large target audience. They can best be used when you have something newsworthy to say about either your own site or the actual products you are promoting. All you do is write the press release (in a journalistic style) and submit it to one of the larger online (or offline) press agencies.
4. Search Engine Optimization
This is probably the optimal form of promotion, but it's also the most time-consuming, and it can take many months before you start to see any results. Nevertheless, if you can take time to optimize your website, and gain a lot of backlinks to your site using relevant keywords (including long-tail buying keywords) as the anchor text, you can receive a lot of traffic to your website when you start to obtain high search engine rankings.
5. Pay Per Click Advertising
This is a highly effective way of promoting your affiliate programs, either directly, or by using your own website to pre-sell the visitor. Pay per click advertising gives you the ability to advertise on the first few pages of results of the search engines for the exact keywords that you choose, so it's no wonder that so many affiliates swear by this form of advertising. The main thing to remember is that you have to keep testing as much as possible and make sure you don't spend too much per click on any of your keywords, so you maintain a positive return on your investment.
6. Advertising On Other Websites
You can buy advertising space or text links from numerous websites in all types of niches, so there's plenty of opportunity to advertise your offers on other websites. The only downside is that it can be tricky finding websites that will give you a positive return on your investment, but if you can do this then there's definitely good profits to be made.
7. Free Reports And Ebooks
Writing free reports and ebooks provide an excellent opportunity to access your target market, particularly if you add a viral aspect to them. All you do is write your own content, based around the product you are promoting, and include your affiliate links within this content. If your information is of a high quality, you can get massive exposure for your affiliate links as people pass it on to other people, and share it with their list of subscribers if they have one.
8. Blogs
Promotional blogs are a modern and extremely effective way of promoting your affiliate programs. Because they often contain fresh content on an ongoing basis, they are loved by the major search engines, and can therefore attract high levels of traffic.
9. Email Marketing
Advertising in relevant ezines has traditionally been a good way of promoting affiliate programs. Although not as effective as it once was due to strict spam filters, a well-written solo ad or an attention-grabbing classified ad in a targeted high readership ezine can still get great results. For best results, however, you should aim to build your own list of subscribers so you can send out your emails whenever you want, and can actually build a relationship with your list, which will increase your affiliate sales.
10. Offline Advertising
This is the final of form of advertising I want to discuss. Most online marketers ignore offline advertising completely, but there's no doubt that offline advertising still works, and can even outperform online advertising in some cases. Business cards, flyers, magazine and newspaper advertising are just some of the ways you can effectively promote products offline.


Affiliate Marketing - How Can You Promote Your Products for Free? by Connie McKenzie

Making money online isn't difficult, but it is when you are just starting out and do not have the budget that is required to get traffic to your website or promote your product. There is an easier way, you can promote your products for free. How?
First you are going to have to do a quick search online to find the following free tools:
- a free keyword research tool- a free clickbank account- a free text editor- a free blogger account (optional)
1. Keyword Research:
With the keyword research tool you will want to search for keywords that have low competition. The keywords that you choose should have at least 300 searches a month and when entered between quotation marks, should have no more than 5000 competing pages in Google. You should find at least 5 or 10 keywords that are related to your topic of choice.
You will want to focus on keywords that will get first page ranking at Yahoo, Google and MSN.
Here's a little hint: Not sure what people want to know about, start by checking the more popular phrases like: get rid of, how to, tips, purchase etc.
2. Find a Digital Product to Promote
At you can find just about any product that is related to your topic. Your best bet is to choose one that pays a 40%-50% commission. Get your affiliate link; write it down somewhere or save it to your computer.
3. Article Writing
Write an article of approximately 400 words that is informative and focuses on your keywords. Be sure that your main keyword is in the title, first and last paragraph and sprinkled throughout your article. You should throw in a few more keywords that are related to your topic in order to help you rank well.
More importantly, write your bio box to make people want to learn more and click on your link.
4. Set up your blog (optional)
Many directories will not allow you to put your affiliate link into your bio box. For this reason you will want to create a blog for your landing page. You can get one at, it is free. You will want to presell your product on your blog so that people will click on your affiliate link. It is then the job of the sales page to sell the product, not you.
5. Submit your article to article directories
Submit your articles to directories that have a PR of 5 or more. Google likes these ones the most and they can help to get you a first page ranking and in turn drive loads of free traffic to your blog.
The most powerful article directory online is, however they do not allow affiliate links so you will require a website or blog which will then redirect to your affiliate link. has great PR and does allow you to link directly to your merchants website. There are many other directories but these just happen to be my favorite.
6. Rinse and Repeat
Article marketing is a numbers game. It would only make sense that the more articles you write and submit the more money you will make. But you must keep in mind that every product is not going to be a winner. Some will not do as well as others. So each week or two, test a new product and submit 5 to 10 focused articles.
That's it, there is no more to it than that. There is a way to promote your products for free and it really does work. Of course it is going to take some time for the money to start rolling in, like maybe 2-3 weeks. Once you write a few good money making articles they will bring in a residual income for months maybe even years - without costing you a single penny.

Mar 21, 2007


Using Affiliate Programs To Earn Extra Money From Home by andrew jones

One of the best ways to earn extra money from home is by promoting affiliate programs. Virtually anyone can get started immediately and begin to sell products that are profitable and highly in demand. The best part is that this can be done from the comfort of your own home with nothing more than a computer, internet connection and your brain. You sell other people's products to earn extra money from home, so there's no need to create or have your own products.
With affiliate programs, you choose the product that you want to sell (after much research) and get your own link to promote that product. For anyone that clicks on your link, they'll be re-directed to the main sales page. If they buy a product from that page, you'll be credited with that sale and earn yourself a nice commission (anywhere from 25 to 75%).
The big advantage with selling affiliate products is that: you don't need a website (although it's better if you do, more on this shortly); you don't have to stock the product and ship it out to the customer; and you don't have to take orders or handle payments. All of the "behind the scenes" stuff is taken care of by the owner of the product or the affiliate program. You simply promote your affiliate link to drive people to the sales page and receive your payment checks when the sales are made. What a great way to earn extra money from home.
So where do you find these affiliate products? Two of the most popular places are and Commission, where you will find thousands of popular products to promote.
If you're serious about affiliate marketing, you will need your own domain name, hosting and a lead capture page. Otherwise, all the traffic that you send to the product owner's sales page will be lost. You would have no way to follow up with them. But if you have your own page, you can pre-sell the product, capture the lead's name and email, and then follow up to get the sale at a later time. Just have an enticing ebook or report to give to the lead in exchange for their details. Once you get the sale, you can then follow up and promote "back-end" products to maximize the profits from that customer.
The next important step is to drive quality traffic to the sales page (preferably your own page) to convert into customers. Some of the best ways to do this are free. If you have your own landing page, you can optimize it (SEO or search engine optimization) with your main keyword phrase in your domain, title and body of the page. After awhile you will have free traffic coming from the search engines from your keyword phrase.
Then write articles (once again, target your keyword phrases) and submit these articles to some high quality article directories. Make sure you have a link pointing back to your site in the author's resource box. With this method you will gain readers, trust, credibility and people clicking on the link back to your site, which will convert into sales. You'll also increase your back-links which will improve your rankings with the search engines (more traffic).
So, there you have it. Affiliate programs are probably the easiest and quickest way for people to start their own online business and to begin earning extra money from their home. Once you have a step by step system working well for one product, you can then repeat the procedure for multiple products.


AFFILIATE PROJECT X: Is It A Scam? by Hot Mumma

Put your hands up if you have read nearly every affiliate marketing book out there, done every course they've offered, followed their instructions to the letter and you still aren't turning over the big dollars?
Mmmm... that was me too! Which is why I am giving you a review on one product that stood out from the crowd for me. It is 'Affiliate Project X'.
This affiliate marketer - Chris - was the same as us back in 2005. He was unhappy in his field of work, desperately trying to make enough money with affiliate marketing to break out of his job and it wasn't taking off for him either.
And then one day he had an idea, made some small changes to some affiliate programs he had running. Went away for the weekend, came back home, checked out his affiliate account and to his amazement he had made some sales - several hundred dollars worth!
Chris had hit on something! He then changed all his affiliate programs and the money started rolling in! Suddenly he realised that the affiliates who were making money online - six figures and up - were doing it all differently to everyone else. For each genuine, bonafide "super affiliate" there were at least 1,000 affiliates doing it all wrong! That's us people!!!
The main reason that very few affiliates are making it was obvious to Chris, but deadly - they were all misinformed. They have been groomed by thousands of Internet marketers, all pushing the same dream, to make mistake after mistake. Then when they fail, they return to buy the next product out there. (Are you saying "This is what I do!" Yes, I did too!)
It is almost as if the entire industry is a conspiracy, designed to push new entrants to the brink of failure, give them hope, and then crush their dreams over and over. They all buy the same products which promise untold riches but rely on techniques that the top affiliates have abandoned years ago. Chris saw it all as clear as day.
So a couple of months ago he decided to tell the truth and get the RIGHT information out there!
Chris' Project X techniques are very different from what we have all been told. His approach is quite raw and honest - which I personally found a nice change! He does use some back door techniques which all the super affiliates are using - so for those of you who are completely set on the path of doing it all above board and correctly, then this program might shock you. But if you are OK with an alternative style of approach then keep reading.
I have included a testimonial from one of Chris' happy affiliates:
"Hi Chris, I have been using the Work Horse method and have seen some really good results...
I honestly didn't know what to expect and was very surprised at the results. My first site is now sitting on Page one of Google at position 8 and my second site is also on page one position 7 of course on different topics.
Even more to my surprise I started to receive around $40 USD a day from these two sites. This only took a couple of weeks to kick in so I am now researching many markets and creating sites to generate more income.
I currently have six sites up and will have more in the coming weeks my income has increased by $300 USD a week and project affiliate X has really paid for itself and helped me quit my job for sure."
Ron CrippsAustralia.
So it seems that all these wonderful affiliate gurus out there are pretending that they want us to be as rich and successful as them - but the raw truth is we are only getting half the information and they are off on their own little money making adventure leaving us behind!
Have you ever done some research on an affiliate program that you are interested in plugging - jump onto Google and try it out - see how many other affiliates are selling the same thing as you! Every time I choose a product I think will be original - I am shocked to find another 10 - 20 ads or articles just like mine out there! What chance do we have to make money with that happening?!
So is Affiliate Project X a scam? In my opinion and that of many others ... NO it definitely is not a scam! I believe this is the real way we work the affiliate marketing system. We could be the next Super Affiliates just waiting to explode into financial freedom!
I have written this review in the hope that many other affiliates who are struggling out there like I was can get in on the ground floor of the Affiliate Project X program. It is well worth looking into to see if it is for you.
If you are curious to see what Chris' unusual techniques are - then click on the link below:
This might be the last affiliate guide you ever buy - it was for me! I'm on my way up the financial freedom ladder with Affiliate Project X ... come join me!

It's interesting isn't it? Is it killing you not knowing what Project X is all about? Are you busting to be a top affiliate? Do you want to be different to all the other affiliates out there?Then do it! Click on the link now:


How Affiliate Marketing Works by PHIL BUTLER

Moneyfromhome-works.comHow affiliate marketing works
How affiliate marketing works by PHIL BUTLER
Many online Companies which generate massive profits by selling their product or service ,do so by affiliate marketing.Most of the affiliates are paid about 20 to 50 percent on each sale produced via their websites or pay-per-click ads.These sales are completed on the number of clicks ,listings ,leads and sales between the online company and the affiliate.
A best example of affiliate programs at work ,is the number of online e-books Available on the world-wide-web.You may want to become an affiliate for online companies,and generate profits from sales made by visitors,transferred to your site.
Many thousands of people who generate additional income are doing so this way!.Indeed many people are making 5-6 figure profits by working at home.
But how does it work,and how can you earn money from it ?.
If you have a web site- this works by placing a link or links in the form of banners or text on your site, that will direct traffic tothe online company website.If your traffic clicks on the link and purchases a product,sign up for a newsletter, or receives information requiring payment-you get paid!.It's as simple as that !.
The great part of this for affiliates is that it comes without a charge and is simple to do, you recommend your site to guests for something they will surely like, somebody else does all the effort of giving the product or service,you merely get the payments.
The following are the things being offered by affiliate marketing:
Affiliate marketing businesspersons have their own scheme for compensation organization and they are:
* Pay per sale - affiliate takes a compensation from each sale being produced from affiliate links or ads.
* Pay per lead - affiliate takes a compensation for each direct/guide produced from affiliate links or ads.
* Pay per click - affiliate takes a compensation for each click produced from affiliate links or ads.
Listed below are some of the tips given to every affiliates who want to earn money from this program:
1. Clickbank is the no.1 resource for affiliate programs-search for the top earning programs here !.
Go here to learn more...Clickbank
2. Select affiliate programs that will ensure to compensate you 20-50 percent or above of the actual price of deal.
3. Begin on your own interest. In this manner, you are sure to work happy and willingly and treat affiliate marketing as a simple hobby.4. Money, Commerce, Computer Software and e-books are all great ideas for you to begin in your affiliate marketing success !.
Now if you are already determined to involve yourself in affiliate marketing, it may be suitable for you to find laser targeted web traffic and encourage them to visit your sites and start promoting the product and services.
CBmall is an online affiliate store - here you will find many quality products to make money from!.
Go here to learn more...CBMALL
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the author's resource box with live website link.
About the Author
Phil Butler writes quality articles on the niche of home business and affiliate marketing. He is also the Webmaster of Go here to find your new online work at home jobs...Work at home income

Phil Butler writes quality articles on the niche of home business and affiliate marketing.He is also the Webmaster of Go here to find your new online work at home jobs...Work at home income

Mar 17, 2007


Affiliate Marketing Techniqes by Corinne Mech

Affiliate marketing, if done correctly, is a very lucrative business. This is why affiliate marketers are always searching for that "prize-winning product"... you know, the one that will earn h/him the biggest paycheck.
Well, I'm here to tell you that as an affiliate marketer, you do not need a product. In fact, you don't even need a website. There are, however, strategies that need to be implemented in order to succeed as an affiliate marketer.
Affiliate marketing is a business and will require some investment of time and money, like in any other business. You will need to invest in the tools of the trade and keep up with new developments and trends of the internet marketing business.
Here are a few techniques you could use to help you succeed with your affiliate marketing business:
First, create a unique landing page for the promotion of each and every product you are marketing for an affiliate. Do not combine all of the products onto one landing page just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have one landing page focusing on one individual product. I know how much it frustrates me to visit a site only to find out that it is a web page advertising other websites.
Your landing page should have black type on a white background and there should be a lot of white space in your copy. This gives your page a clean and easy-to-read appearance. Make the pages attractive, compelling, and prompt customers to act on the product being offered. Your headlines should attract the readers and compel them to want to read more. Highlight text, add bullets, and use bold type for the special points. This will help your visitors to clearly understand what you are marketing and make them want to find out more about the product.
You might want to add a picture of yourself and a signature for a personal touch. This will gain trust from your visitors as you are now no longer some faceless, fly-by-night scammer.
Second, build a subscriber list by offering free articles, reports, or an e-Book to your visitors. Use an opt-in box to gather personal information from them, such as their name and e-mail address. If possible, position your opt-in box at the very top of your page so it simply cannot be missed. Create auto responder messages that will be automatically e-mailed to those who input their personal information.
According to research, it takes at least seven contacts before a sale is made. That is why it is imperative that you build a list with your opt-in box and keep in contact with those who have signed up to receive whatever it is that you're offering (article, report, or an e-Book). This is how you will be able to generate income from backend sales. Remember . . . in the internet marketing world, your "list" is your "goldmine"!
One of two things will happen at your landing page: the visitor will move on to your affiliate's site (which means a possible sale) or the prospect will leave the site never to return again. However, if they opted in for the freebie, you will be able to place useful information into their inbox at certain specified periods of time, inviting them back to your site. You can also remind them of the offer they missed and give them another opportunity to purchase the product. Be sure that the content and the product you are offering is for the same purpose that they visited your site to begin with. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.
Include compelling subject lines in the e-mail, and for content, focus on how the product will benefit the customer (your landing page should reflect this point as well). Convince those who signed up for your free product that they will be missing out on something huge if they do not act now, today, this instant! (You get the point.)
Finally, drive only targeted traffic to your product. If the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Another way of getting free targeted traffic is to write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can submit your articles to publications that are targeting customers who would already be interested in your product.
Submit articles with at least 300-600 words in length. Do not submit articles that have been taken from the public domain or purchased as a private label rights package. In other words, the article should be an original copy written by you. The more articles you submit, the more free traffic you will be able to generate. If you consistently write articles, you can generate as much as 100 targeted visitors to your site in a day . . . free!
According to statistics, only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or service. Therefore, if you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, you can make 10 sales per day.
The strategies above are not really difficult to follow, if you think about it. It just requires a little time, effort, and an action plan on your part. You can do this. . .


FREE Affiliate Marketing Course! by Edward Lord, MSci

Affiliate marketing is the only viable means of making a respectable living online. Most guides and courses which teach you how to enter into affiliate marketing cost between $49 and $97. Now you can learn affiliate marketing for absolutely FREE at
No nonsense, just seven lessons packed with info which you would otherwise have to pay for.

Mar 16, 2007


Affiliate Program Sales - What Keeps YOU From Making Your Fair Share? by Rawslyn Ruffin

There you sit. You've read your 100th ebook on making money online. You've got at least a gigabyte's worth of reports and "how to" teleseminars cluttering your hard drive. You've learned so much your head is about to explode. Your printer is still smoking!
But here it is, months (or even years) after you first started this avocation and you're still struggling to get people to sign up to be on your opt-in list. You haven't made that $3000 in 30 days like the report said you could. In fact, you're $500 in the hole.
Is it because you - the average JoAnne or Joe Internet Marketer just can't get a break? Why is it so hard to make any money online? How do the pros and gurus really do it? What's the secret they're not letting you in on? You've got all the information, but you still come up short. Why? Here are two obvious possibilities:
Number 1: You found that you had a ton of information, none of which came with a step-by-step method of application, or...
Number 2: You discovered that your information included clear step-by-step instructions but you chose, for whatever reason, not to apply any of it.
If you're not getting results because of reason #1, cheer up. There is help. In fact, it doesn't even come in an ebook. It has appeared on the affiliate marketing scene as the latest breed of affiliate marketing methodologies. In my "day job" (and yes, I do still have one as of this writing), the folks I work for are always coming up with catchy acronyms for absolutely everything. So, naturally I've begun to refer to this new type of website model as Online Application Super Entrepreneurial Sites - O.A.S.E.S. for short.
The one thing that these sites have in common is the apparent genuine desire of the site owners to help you cut to the chase and start making a living online. How do they do it? Obviously by selling you either more information or offering free or paid levels of membership. That's nothing new. What sets them apart from the typical affiliate sales site is their method of content delivery and the vast amount of material they offer you to use in your own promotion.
Some of these O.A.S.E.S. merely sport a helpful affiliate manager (yes, a live person!) and a responsive (albeit automated) Help Desk. Other O.A.S.E.S. come complete with forums full of active affiliates who produce auxiliary videos and articles to get you in profit in a hurry. After all, every step they take to help you helps the program itself. There are even sites that let you create affiliate squeeze pages and host them on their servers. You won't need a website, but you will need a dependable autoresponder service.
Are you ready to join forces with an O.A.S.E.S.? Chances are you've already seen them advertised. You may already be a member of one right now and just don't realize it. Here's a hint: can you get help at a forum specifically associated with the program? Does the site offer relevant articles that help you build your business? Do you enjoy promoting that site?
Here's the deal breaker, though: have you been contacted personally by the person who referred you to the site? You see, every time a marketer recruits someone by way of advertising, they get a notice. If you haven't yet been welcomed by your "sponsor" then get busy. Silence on his or her part leaves the door wide open for you to assume a leadership role with the people you will soon be recruiting.

Mar 15, 2007


Best Ways to Make Online Money by Thien Kai Wei

Building an income using the Internet is a very good way to supplement your day job, possibly adding several hundreds or thousands to your bank account every month. You may even quit your day job altogether! There are lots of ways to make online money, and you will want to know the best ways to do it.
This article will explain to you why selling affiliate products and joining online multi-level marketing programs are some of the best ways to make online money.
Selling affiliate products
Selling affiliate products is a lucrative and high paying way of making online money. You can be your own boss, working during times you see fit, on your own business. You do not have to bother with inventories and the associated overhead costs.
Affiliate marketing is used by companies to help them gain exposure, for the products they are selling, to their targeted market. This allows companies using affiliate marketing, or merchants as they are called, to tap the expertise of Internet Marketers or website owners to promote their products. This also saves them a lot of money on the advertising that they might have to do themselves.
You, as an affiliate, join these merchant's affiliate programs, allowing you to promote the merchant's products and make online money. Once you sign up, you will be given a unique ID and a website address which you use to refer your visitors from your website to the merchant. If your visitors buy from the merchant, it will be recorded via advanced tracking techniques and cookies to ensure that you are paid a percentage of the price for your efforts.
It's very risky for anyone to try to create, manufacture and sell their own product, especially if he or she is new to such challenges. Only the very best will succeed. For those of us who are really interested in more probable success, affiliate marketing offers the benefits of having your own business selling products without the risks involved in traditional brick and mortar businesses. It's simply one of the best ways to make online money.
Participating in online MLM programs
Traditional network marketing is tough. Cold calling people and making house visits every day is not fun and can kill your spirit if you are not strong enough. You will have to invest a lot of time and effort upfront, and possibly lose a lot of friends. Sounds familiar?
With the Internet, online based MLM programs have gained an important advantage. Instead of approaching people only you know, the Internet can help you get people to want to know you. You will have a much wider reach to find new prospects regardless of nationality or geographical locations. Your MLM prospects get to know you through the information you present to them, be it through your own website, an article you published or through a discussion you participated in a forum. When people click the link you leave behind, this indicates that he or she is interested in what you are offering and so will have a much higher possibility of another prospect signing up under you. Much better than making a cold call.
In addition to selling to a much more targeted audience, doing MLM online allows you to actively look for new prospects 24/7. The information you provide at your websites or the discussions you participate in forums will remain there for visitors to read and do the selling for you, even while you are asleep. An excellent way to make online money.
Do not, however, think that you will have instant cash simply by joining an affiliate or MLM program. The point of my article is that selling affiliate products and MLM as a business is definitely more lucrative when done online. But running a business is never easy, and so is making online money. If you treat your online affiliate or MLM business as it is and nothing less, you have the mindset to succeed when most cannot.
Joining affiliate and MLM programs are some of the best ways to make online money, period. For a good start, take a look at the links in my bio for more information to help you get started or simply get to know more.


Make money online serious by Moreniche

Internet affiliate marketing programs are the only way you can make money online serious nowadays. Everybody who has ever tried to make money online really fast, can tell you that your best option is to join a web site affiliate program. That's the best way to earn money on the internet. It doesn't really matter what kind of a web site you have or would like to have at some point, you can be sure you'll find some products you can promote. Many believe that joining an affiliate program may drive their visitors away and therefore they stick with AdSense or Yahoo text advertisement. But is it really good for you to go this way? For one thing, if you are the average web master with an average web site, then you probably don't have so many visitors. And the ones you do have are really interested in what you have to say and they are inspired by you in one way or another. Why would you waste valuable web page space to gain $10 a month when you can make hundreds of dollars joining an affiliate program. What matters the most is what kind of internet affiliate marketing programs you think about joining. The internet offers you endless possibilities to make money online serious, all you have to do is to find the best web site affiliate program and you can make money online really easy, right from the start. So take your time and do a lot of research to make sure you find the best program that will enable you to earn money on the internet. Your visitors surf your web site because they trust you. So don't disappoint them with poor quality products. All you have to do to gain even more visitors and even more appreciation for your web site is to be very, very picky when it comes to choosing the right affiliate program and the best products. A good starting point would be to try out yourself any product that you think about recommending to your visitors. And once you found those products that you think are useful and a good value for the money, you're in business! Making money online serious with internet affiliate marketing programs is everybody's dream. But it doesn't have to be just a dream! You too can start to earn money on the internet right now with web site affiliate programs. So get your web site going and start to make money online really fast!


The History Of Affiliate Marketing And You by Daniel Alan

It can be said that affiliate marketing can be traced to a cocktail party. Yes, the one which includes Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of He was chatting with one of his guests who wanted to sell books on her own webpage.
The creative genius that is Jeff began thinking. Why not have his guest link her site to Amazon and receive some sort of compensation for every book that she sold Soon after the Amazon Associates Program was born. Indeed, it was a very simple idea. Affiliate marketers, or amazon associates would place banners and text links for individual books or link directly to Amazon's main web page and some of them would earn a commission! When visitors are lead to Amazon from an associate's site, and purchased a book the website owner gets cash!
But according to some net documentation, CDNow's affiliate program actually was the first one to come up with the marketing plan to boost sales. With its buyweb program, CDNow was the first to introduce the concept of affiliate marketing.
It works in the same way that Amazon's affiliate program works:
The team at CDNow thought that music lovers who had websites could give out and write reviews on their site that visitors may be interested in purchasing. These sites could link the visitor directly to the item to be purchased on the CDNow website.
The rest they say is history. Countless companies and advertisers have now included affiliate marketing as part of their promotions strategy. Almost all ebook publishers take advantage of affiliate marketing to spread their work out to more people.
This has resulted to more sales for the publisher as well as extra income for the affiliate marketer. With the rapid success of affiliates, advertisers are seeing growth opportunities everywhere. There are some companies such as Clickbank that offer affiliate programs to Advertisers and easy access and promotion of these products for free to future and current affiliate marketers.
The history behind things, obviously, make them into what they become. With the knowledge of history we can prevent many mistakes that we may make by learning from others mistakes. Affiliate marketing and affiliate programs are no different. I encourage you to research the past and history of people who have succeeded in this field, as well as people who have failed.
The past holds all the knowledge you need to make yourself successful.
Ready to use it?


How To Make Quick And Easy Money Using Google Adwords by Daniel Alan

Some people are hesitant to start making money online because they don't know how to create a website. Some people are uneasy about getting a web host, setting up a webpage, knowing HTML, etc. Truly, this obstacle has put the shackles on many people who aspire to make money online. Luckily there is a solution.
The Google Cash method was popularized a few years ago and some people are still doing it today with great results. The first step into using this google cash method is by joining Adwords. Setting up your first Adwords campaign is really easy and tutorials are available on the Adwords website. Tthe only requirements are three things:
1) You know how to write well of course, if you're reading this then maybe you DO know how to write simple ads.
2) You can research keywords; this can be done for you by visiting or
3) You have a little money to spend on advertising
So the first thing to do is to get your affiliate links because this is the target URL that you are going to send your ad clickers to. When they click your Adwords ad they are sent directly to the merchant's page and if they buy the product you are promoting the sale is credited to you. Viola, you didn't even need a website to do this.
One word of caution though, make sure you set a reasonable daily limit for your ad campaign. You are charged according to the number of clicks that your ad gets. A safe limit is around $20-$25 if you've consumed that much in a day then your ads will stop being displayed on the Google Search engine.
Also take note of your conversion rate. At the minimum you should be able to make at least 1 sale for every 100 clicks that you send. A good guideline for setting your bids is to divide your commission by 100 so if your commission per sale is $25 then you can bid for 0.25 per click. If you get 100 clicks and have spent $25 already without a single sale then drop that product and move to another. If you have 1 sale in 100 clicks then you have just broken even. If you make 2 for every 100 then you profit $25. Yes, this can be done without even getting your own website. You can start immediately.

Mar 14, 2007


Content is King - A Guide to getting a good Google PageRank by David Cocozza

You've heard the phrase "content is king," and this is true - to drive visitors to your site and to be picked up by the major SEs you'll need it. Website content will do a number of things for your business:
1. Informative, interesting content will help you pre-sell your visitors and entice them to click through to your sponsor's website. These can be varieties of articles. Information articles are very popular and will establish you as the expert in your field. This will create trust and credibility for you in your visitors' eyes and encourage them to click through to your sponsor and buy. Product reviews are also popular and are great pre sellers. Sites such as feeder sites can also be used. One is demonstrated here: Sex Advice For Men
2. Content can also be used to improve your Page Ranking. Google will consider good content as a good resource for their customers, the searchers and your visitors. Always optimize your content using your main keywords. Not only this, but it helps provide "backlinks" to your main site, something which google absolutely LOVES
3. Keep your website up to date by adding new content on a regular basis. Once a week is a good schedule. This will make Google happy and will again improve your Page Rank and position in Google :)
4. When you fill your website with good informative, interesting content, other webmasters will want to link to you to add resources to their website for their visitors. You will then be able to create back links, which will also help you with search engine positioning once again.
Content is not hard to get - the internet has well over billions of pages of information. You can either write articles yourself or get them written. If you are really strapped for time and money you can get help here MoreNiche is free to join and will provide you with many resources.


The Biggest Opportunity for 2007 - Affiliate Marketing by Ricardo Minaar

The TWO most important factors in determining YOUR level of success are quite simply;
1. Your Mindset 2. Your Strategies (Knowledge + Skill + ACTION = Required RESULTS)
Your MINDSET accounts for up to 90% of the above two factors with STRATEGIES accounting for about 10%.
Anyone, wanting to ACHIEVE SUCCESS online, CAN DO SO by carefully applying the following information.
IT IS IMPORTANT how you view the above. You see only less than 5% of participants on the Internet actually earn a substantial income. Shocking as it may sound; this presents an unequalled opportunity for YOU to create whatever income you wish, IF and ONLY IF, you can develop a winning MINDSET.
Affiliate Marketing remains one of the most successful & easiest means available to the absolute, internet novice, to first establishing and then steadily setting in motion the process to creating an ever-increasing, online income. It is the practice whereby you simply promote and sell other people's products. That's it! YES it that's simple.
What is more is that you can start IMMEDIATELY. You do not need a PRODUCT, WEBSITE or MAILING LIST to do so.
When someone YOU introduce to your "Affiliate Partner's" offering, makes a purchase, YOU are paid a percentage of EACH sale that you are directly responsible for. Your commission could be anything from 30% to as much as 70% of the product(s) on offer. ALWAYS thoroughly investigate the offer you are about to promote FIRST.
This is THE crucial FIRST STEP to becoming an instant, successful Affiliate Marketer.
You should question WHY you think it would be a good product to promote. This will also give you an indication as to who you will be promoting it to. It might be a very GOOD IDEA to first purchase the product and test-drive it yourself. This approach will ensure a thorough understanding of the "buyer's experience" and also instantly instil a profound sense of credibility in your efforts and undertakings.

Get the basics right. Start with a solid FOUNDATION and a well thought-out PLAN. This can be refined as you learn and move along in your online endeavours.
Your FOCUS needs to be Laser-Targeted at first.
Take ACTION in your efforts while carefully monitoring your every progress. I usually stick with just one approach which I then learn to master over time. The beauty of this approach means I can utilise the EXACT same method with other products or services.
Here are my TOP 5 Strategies that YOU must MASTER, over time, in order to succeed in Affiliate Marketing;
1- The very first strategy is your willingness to learn, and to allow yourself to be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is scary stuff if you aren't properly equipped, and the risk of getting lost in a sea of new challenges is high.
Learning the tricks of the trade is an important requirement of the game, and your willingness to learn it all is a paramount need, as it will give you the edge over your many competitors.
2- The second strategy is the willingness to invest time and effort, even if direct results do not seem immediately apparent. It's important to stick with it. Although several months may pass without good news, it's important to hold on and be patient. Too many newbies give up hope prematurely. Without staying power, you're surely lost.
3- The third strategy is self-determination. If you want to conquer the affiliate marketing world, you must have the ability to push ahead, no matter what. "Never say die" is a quality each and every affiliate marketer should possess, and the ability to motivate yourself will propel you to greater heights.
4- The fourth strategy is discipline. If you have the self-discipline to work every day with all the energy you can muster, then you're that much closer to achieving gold.
5- The fifth and last strategy you need is an optimistic approach. Negative attitudes and destructive comments from friends and neighbours, should not discourage you from pursuing your dream of affiliate success.
You shouldn't let any negative influence affect your attitude toward your goal. It's important to remain the captain of your ship, and 'stay the course', as they say.
The ingredients needed to succeed in a business such as affiliate marketing are very demanding, and even overwhelming. But the most important thing you need is to believe in yourself. This positive approach will keep you dynamic, and ever pushing ahead. It's this capacity that will ultimately determine the level of your success or failure.
Affiliate marketing is all about putting your fate in your own hands. The right attitude is the key, because without it, you're doomed. Above All -Treat your business like a REAL BUSINESS and STAY ABSOLUTELY, LASER-FOCUSED on your efforts and SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW!


Creating Residual Income With Affiliate Marketing by Trent Brownrigg

It is very well known that affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get started making money from a home based business of your own.
There is no need for research, development, customer service, shipping, or anything else most businesses have to do because these are done by the products creator. You, as the affiliate only have to do the marketing. And, in many cases the merchant will even provide marketing materials and resources for you.
Affiliate marketing can be great for fast profits, but what about long term residual income?
Think about it for a minute... You as the affiliate do a lot of work getting interested prospects to the product sales page through your affiliate link and hope the prospect buys so you get the commissions.
But what happens after that?
You must then repeat the process all over again to get more affiliate sales and make more money. All of this work is done again and again for every sale to get your commission.
This can be quite expensive depending on how much it is costing you to get the leads to the sales page and the conversion ratio of that sales page.
With that in mind, what can you as an affiliate do to increase your return on investment for leads and qualified prospects, and make more money in the long run?
Here are two very good things you can do:
First, as an affiliate marketer in any niche you should set up your own lead capture page to build your own list of targeted prospects.
This can be done simply by using an autoresponder where visitors will put in their names and email addresses to receive information from you. Give away a free report or a review of the product as an enticement for visitors so they will opt-in to your list.
Your autoresponder should be set up with 7 to 10 follow-up messages outlining the benefits and giving more information on the product you are promoting. There should also be some other value in your follow-up so people want to stay on your list.
When you have your own list you can send endorsements of other related products every once in a while so you can continue to make money from the prospects you worked so hard to get. This is much more profitable than just sending them to the affiliate product sales page once, hoping they buy and then they are gone.
The Second way to create residual income as an affiliate marketer is to promote affiliate products or services in your niche that have recurring monthly charges.
A truly awesome way to maximize your earnings is by gaining residual, or recurring, income instead of a one time sale.
Think about it, you are already spending your time and resources promoting products to make money as an affiliate marketer, so why not promote something that will give you residual income? You do the work once and get paid over and over again from it.
Promoting membership sites, network marketing programs, web hosting or other services that require the customer to pay monthly is a great way to build residual income for yourself. Ideally these are what you, as an affiliate marketer, should be looking to promote.
That's all there is to it. Affiliate marketing is a great way to start your own home based business and make money online. It's even better when you create long-term residual income from it! However, you can't make money if you don't take action so go get started as an affiliate marketer right now!

Trent Brownrigg is a successful affiliate marketer and home business mentor. Get your free "biz tips" newsletter, hundreds of business articles, free ebooks, home business opportunities, business resources, and much more at his website and be sure to grab your copy of Residual Income Secrets Exposed at


Affiliate Marketing in 3 Steps by Anamika

Affiliate marketing is a process where the merchant will pay a portion of their sales revenue to an affiliate if the sale is result of the affiliate's promotion to the products and services offered by the merchant.
Now days, it's one of the fastest growing industries because it's cost efficient and quantifiable for both the affiliate and the merchant. Other players can profit as well, such as the affiliate network or the affiliate solutions provider.
The best benefit for the merchant is the fact that he will gain opportunities to advertise his products to a much larger market, therefore increasing his chances to earn. The more affiliates the merchant obtains, the more sales he can expect.
With the merchant having affiliates market his products and services, he will save himself time, effort, and money in looking for markets as well as customers. The affiliate marketer will benefit from each customer that clinks on the link in his website and who actually purchases a product from the merchant.
If you have wanted to join the growing legion of affiliate marketers and have an unlimited potential for income, simply follow these 3 steps to start an effective affiliate marketing program.
1. Identify something that interests you or you feel very passionate about. Then, focus on a specific area you know a lot about, as this will help you bring out your best and give your visitors who are possible buyers a demonstration of your expert in this field. This way, you'll gain their trust and encourage them to buy the products that you endorse.
2. Search for merchants and products or services that are related to your interest then creat a web site with top level domain names and very reliable hosting. When you choose the products for your web site, you need to consider the commission structure and the conversion rate.
There are many different affiliate networks and affiliate solution providers where you can obtain the information on most profitable products and which merchants pay the best. Take your time - and be sure you choose the right one.
3. Now, you are ready to promote. You've chosen everything you need and even created your very own website. You'll need to be creative, flexible, and willing to embrace new ideas. By this stage, you'll be well on your way to making more money than you ever imagined- and enjoying every minute of it.
Instant Cash Copy
Affilate marketer and freelance writer --

Mar 10, 2007


What are Affiliate Programs? by Roy H. White

Affiliate programs are all over the internet. Basically an affiliate program is a joint venture between you and a company or individual that allows you to promote their products and earn a commission for each sale.
Did you know that affiliate programs are the best kept secret on the internet? If you have ever visited a company website you may have seen terms such as 'Join Affiliate Program' or 'Make Money'. These are some of the terms used to identify affiliate programs. To find an affiliate program online you can simply go to any search engine and type in the word affiliate program. Other sites such as and provide a list of these programs.
The benefits of an affiliate program include small risks as you are given highly marketable products and services to promote. It is also easy since you don't need to worry about shipping, customer service, credit card accounts and other overhead associated with a business. You can promote more than one program which enables you to diversify and generate multiple streams of income. Some companies provide you wit the necessary training and tolls to help you promote their products. These benefits are tremendous and are available to be taken full advantage of.
If you already have a website you can use an affiliate link to promote other products on your site. If you don't have a website you can send traffic directly to your affiliate link. There is no fee or cost to sign up with affiliate programs.
Find an affiliate program and you can start making money online today.


How to Make Money from your 404 Error Page - 404 Secrets - A Review by Dorothea Carney

I just love it when I accidentally stumble upon some fantastic information to help people make money. Well, here's my latest finding, and although it probably won't make you enough money to retire with, it could help to generate some passive income with almost no work!
Have you ever clicked on a particular website only to get a message that says, "File Not Found," or "404 Error" or some other message which in effect says, "Sorry, pal, you typed in the wrong URL." So you either keep trying, or you give up for the moment, depending on how busy you are and how important it is to get to that website. You may in fact, never get around to going back to that website.
Now, suppose YOU are website owner? You might have a personal website, or a business website. If it's a business website and someone reaches this "error" page, you just lost a customer. Maybe they'll try again, but maybe they'll never return, and it's a shame, since no one is in business to turn away customers.
Well there's a solution to this problem and that's what I'm so excited about. Jason Dinner, one of Mike Filsaime's protégés has produced a special report along with a step by step video which will show you a way to "monetize" your 404 Error Page, so when people reach that page by accident, they are presented with a special offer! The best part is that there is no extra work on your part to generate this passive income over and over again. You simply add a small snippet code of your website and that's it! Jason explains in explicit detail exactly how to do this.
Now, I'm no techie, but I can tell you that when you watch the Camtasia video that walks you through the process, you'll know exactly what to do. He made it so simple, that even I could understand it! Just visit:
Remember, it only takes few minutes to set up the process, which will not only give you a way to generate a passive income, but will also keep your customers happy!


The 3 Reasons Why All Affiliate Marketers Should Have Their Own Website by Stephen Chua

Affiliate marketing is widely considered an easy way to generate an income online. Affiliate marketers do not need to set up website, develop any products, write sales copy or provide customer support. They can just concentrate on generating traffic to the product sales page and collect their commission when a sale is made.
However, successful affiliate marketers will go the extra mile to generate more sales. They will set up their own websites to promote other people products. Here are three reasons why you should also have your own websites as an affiliate marketer.
1. Offer Your Own Bonus
If a product is very popular, it will attract a lot of affiliates. In order to capture a bigger slice of the profit pie, you need to convince your prospects that buying through your affiliate link is the most sensible thing to do. The best way to do this is to offer a bonus that is related to the product you are promoting. For example, if you are promoting web hosting, you can offer to build a website for each prospect that purchase through your affiliate link. You have to make sure your bonus complement the product you are promoting. Do not offer anything that is in direct competition. Most important of all, you must deliver what you promise.
After setting up your own website that showcase your bonus, you can direct prospects to your website so that they see your offer first. This way, you are creating more value for the product you are promoting. In addition, you are establishing your own unique selling point and differentiate yourself from other affiliate marketers.
2. Ease of Tracking
When you have your own website, tracking becomes a whole lot easier and useful. Although there are many affiliate programs that offer you tracking capability, they are seldom up to the mark for serious affiliate marketers.
With your own website and hosting account, you can install your favorite tracking program to monitor all your marketing campaigns. Even if you do not use any tracking software, you can still obtain a lot of useful data from your web host log file. These data include the number of visitors that have visited your site, duration of their stay, where they come from and the keywords they used to find your site.
By analyzing the data from the web host log file or your favorite tracking software, you can gain a lot of market intelligence that will help you understand your target market better. In addition, it can also help you refine your offer to target the right audience.
3. List Building
To ensure the long-term survival and success of your online affiliate business, you must have a list of targeted prospects. With your own website, you can add an opt-in form on your home page requesting for your visitors' name and email address. You will need to install your own mailing list management software or subscribe to a mailing list management service before you can start collecting visitors' personal data.
Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. However, the addition of an opt-in form may distract your visitors from your main offer. You have to decide what action you want your visitors to take and design the home page of your website accordingly.
These are but three of the many reasons why all affiliate marketers should have their own websites. A personal website can definitely help to maximize earning potential when used correctly. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination and creativity.


How To Immediately Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Sales by Titus Hoskins

Affiliate marketing is a very competitive field. Savvy affiliate marketers use every tactic they know to get the upper hand over their competition. It can mean the difference of whether or not they get that all important sale.
One of the best ways to boost your affiliate sales is to take full advantage of brand name recognition. It is a proven affiliate marketing tactic: selling products with high popular brand recognition is much easier than selling an unknown product or company.
It just makes common sense in our brand eat brand world!
It seems so obvious but many beginning affiliate marketers make the mistake of promoting little known products or companies. Their task will be much more difficult than if they sold the products of a well recognized brand name.
As a full time affiliate marketer I have seen this fact pointed out daily in my sales stats. Brand names sell. Popular brand names sell even better. Popular brand names with popular trendy products sell the best.
If you're an affiliate marketer you must choose the products you promote with the utmost care; in many cases this is where you will determine the outcome of your marketing efforts. Choose wisely and you could be in profit before you know what hit you. Choose wrongly and it's an uphill struggle from the very beginning.
Here are a few tips or suggestions to help with your affiliate marketing.
* How To Pick Popular Products
You must keep your eyes open. What products are your friends and relatives buying? What brands? What products are in all the popular magazines? What Products are being advertised on TV ad nauseam?
You should be able to figure out the popular brands and products that are currently selling. Remember, if it's popular, it's selling!
As an affiliate marketer you can promote anything, why not choose the most popular brands and products. Just look for popular trends and join the bandwagon. Sure, the competition might be stiffer but the demand for these products will also be greater.
If you join affiliate networks like Commission Junction they will show you the companies with the highest sales volume in their system. Study this sales data before you pick your affiliate companies or products.
You can even use Google Trends to tell which products are popular and in which countries. Do some market research first and pick the most popular products to promote.
Many marketers keep an eye on their PPC (Pay Per Click) keywords for any surges in searches or impressions. A big jump could mean an increase in popularity for that product or company.
* Be Aware of The Buzz Factor
Certain brand names and products have buzz. How many times have you seen the Apple iPhone shown or spoken about in the last month?
How about Vista? I promote laptops within one of my online sites... I saw a surge in laptop sales once Vista was released. I sell RAM or memory cards on my site... I knew there would be an increase in people searching to boost their computer's RAM to take full advantage of Vista.
Keeping your eyes open to popular trends can result in more sales. If there is high demand it is much easier to sell the product.
* Can It Only Be Bought Online?
One of my most successful tactics has been to pick products or offers that are only available online. Dell products come quickly to mind. If products are only available online, you will have a better chance of selling them.
Online coupons and exclusive deals also increases your affiliate sales. Look for these and display them along with your popular brands for they will increase your sales. Everybody loves a deal!
* Use Brand Names In Your Site Copy and PPC Advertising
You must always check with your affiliate company what rules they have about displaying brand names and trademarks on your site copy. Most companies will supply their affiliates with web content they can use for promotion.
Most Companies have strict rules prohibiting affiliates from using certain brand name keywords in their PPC advertising. Each company is different, so check before you proceed with any PPC campaigns.
However, one of the most effective ways for PPC advertising is to use the particular brand name and product name in your PPC ads. Savvy affiliate marketers have figured this one out long ago, it mainly has to do with finding the buyer at the right stage in their buying process. If they're looking a particular product ; they may already have their minds made up and are ready to buy.
I have experienced this first hand in my own online marketing. Someone searching in Google for gaming laptops might just be checking out these machines, whereas someone searching for a particular gaming laptop by the exact product name is more likely to buy... and I have the web stats to prove it!
* A Rose Is A Rose Is A Sale!
In conclusion, if you're going to promote affiliate products, it would be foolhardy not to pick popular brand names that are trusted and liked by your potential customers. Brand name loyalty will play a major role in whether or not you get the sale. Keep your eyes peeled for popular trends and shifts in the marketplace so you can adjust your marketing to meet these new demands. Just remember, when in doubt always go with the popular brand name and you will increase your sales.


Affiliate Programs by Jack Doran

What Are Affiliate Programs?
Simply put, affiliate programs, also called associate programs, are arrangements in which an online merchant Web site pays affiliate Web sites a commission to send them traffic. These affiliate Web sites post links to the merchant site and are paid according to a particular agreement. This agreement is usually based on the number of people the affiliate sends to the merchant's site, or the number of people they send who buy something or perform some other action. Some arrangements pay according to the number of people who visit the page containing their merchant site's banner advertisement. Basically, if a link on an affiliate site brings the merchant site traffic or money, the merchant site pays the affiliate site according to their agreement. Recruiting affiliates is an excellent way to sell products online, but it can also be a cheap and effective marketing strategy.
There are at least three parties in an affiliate program transaction:
The customer
The affiliate site
The merchant site Payment
There are three basic types of affiliate program payment arrangements:
Pay-per-sale (also called cost-per-sale):'s affiliate program is an example of a pay-per-sale arrangement. In this arrangement, the merchant site pays an affiliate when the affiliate sends them a customer who purchases something. Some merchant Web sites, like, pay the affiliate a percentage of the sale and others pay a fixed amount per sale.
Pay-per-click (cost-per-click): In these programs, the merchant site pays the affiliate based on the number of visitors who click on the link to come to the merchant's site. They don't have to buy anything, and it doesn't matter to the affiliate what a visitor does once he gets to the merchant's site.
Pay-per-lead (cost-per-lead): Companies with these programs pay their affiliates based on the number of visitors they refer who sign up as leads. This simply means the visitor fills out some requested information at the merchant site, which the merchant site may use as a sales lead or sell to another company as a sales lead.
How Are Affiliate Programs Administered?
Affiliate programs are pretty simple in concept, but a lot of behind-the-scenes work is necessary to make them work properly. In order for the affiliates to be compensated, someone needs to keep track of the actual activity surrounding the affiliate's link to the merchant site.
Depending on the arrangement, someone might need to determine:
the number of people who click on the merchant site's link on an affiliate site
the number of people who end up buying something or performing some other predetermined
action once the affiliate sends them to the merchant site.
the number of people who see the merchant site's banner link on an affiliate site
Affiliate Program Networks
Affiliate networks, or "affiliate brokers," act as mediators between affiliates and merchant Web sites with affiliate programs. They track all activity, arrange all payment, and help affiliates set up the necessary links on their Web site. Additionally, affiliate networks help recruit affiliates by including an online merchant's affiliate program in their directory. Different affiliate networks offer different extra features, but most have a help-center and a place affiliates and merchants can go to view reports of their traffic.
Affiliate programs work best when affiliates choose products, services and companies that match the content of their Web site and would interest their readers. If a content Web site chooses affiliate programs well, everybody involved in the process wins. The affiliate wins because it is able to sell products to its visitors without having to run an e-commerce business, the merchant site wins because the affiliate sends it customers it wouldn't get otherwise, the affiliate network wins because it gets a piece of the profit for setting everything up, and the Web surfer wins because the affiliate Web site directs her to products she would be interested in, which she can then purchase easily.
For more information visit

Mar 9, 2007


5 Secrets to Explode Your Affiliate Marketing Income by Mandy Buchanan

Do you want to explode your affiliate marketing income? Are you sick and tired of struggling to make money from other people's products? If this sounds like you then you need to know 5 little secrets that can truly explode your affiliate marketing income.
Successful Affiliate Marketers market things they love Successful affiliate marketing is going to take lots of work. You can make plenty of money from affiliate marketing but you do need to work at it and this means that you should be doing what you enjoy. Many affiliate marketers choose to market internet marketing products just because everyone else appears to be doing it. This is a sure way to fail. Instead think about those things you enjoy and believe in and would find easy to convince others about. Make a list of these things and then do some keyword research into the subjects.
Successful Affiliate Marketers do Extensive Keyword Research Like all successful internet marketing, successful affiliate marketing is based largely on choosing the correct keywords for your marketing efforts. Once you have made a list of things you love use a keyword research tool such as Wordtracker to study these topics in more depth and find out which of these topics other people are also interested in. You also want to choose keywords where there is not a lot of competition so that your website or articles will rise to the top of the search engine results pages and people find them. Good keywords are those with lots of people searching and relatively little competition.
Successful Affiliate Marketers have their own website Don't be deceived into thinking that because you are doing affiliate marketing that you don't need a website of your own. The most successful affiliate marketers do have their own website and in particular they have their own opt-in page to create a mailing list so that they can advertise their affiliate products to their own list.
Successful Affiliate Marketers know their niche Once you have decided on what affiliate products you are going to advertise it is important to take some time to really get to know your target market - hang out in the same forums as they do, join the email groups they belong to and spend as much time as you can learning what they like and what they want. Successful affiliate marketers are experts on their target market and their affiliate marketing success shows the results of this.
Successful Affiliate Marketers treat their Affiliate Marketing as a Business This may sound obvious to some but unfortunately too often people involved in internet marketing are opportunistic and jump around from opportunity to opportunity or affiliate program to affiliate program and never really work at any of them and hence never really make much money. The successful affiliate marketer knows that affiliate marketing is a business and so will seriously consider the affiliate products they sell and their affiliate marketing efforts and work hard at making a success of their affiliate business.
In conclusion, in order to be successful at affiliate marketing you need to do what you love, do extensive keyword research to find out which products people are looking for and how to approach them. Super affiliate marketers also have their own website and opt-in page to create a list of contact for future affiliate marketing efforts, they know their market and treat their affiliate marketing as a business.


Pay Per Click For Beginners by MN Nikk

Pay-Per-Click advertising is a great way to make money online with affiliate programs. Unfortunately not every Pay-Per-Click engine is really effective. Sometimes you can get a lot of traffic but very few buyers. The best PPC advertising is Google Adwords. If you prepare your campaign properly, you will get targeted visitors within hours coming to your site.
There are 2 sources that Google uses for these ads. Their search engine and different related websites (content). The most targeted is their search engine. From content, you will get a lot of traffic but not as many actual buyers. Whether you include content or not, always bear in your mind that you should consider your targeted market.
Steps in Starting A Google Adwords Campaign:
1. Make your account and watch for the confirmation link needed to activate it. 2. Start a new campaign by clicking the link "Keyword-Targeted" campaign. 3. Name the campaign. 4. Name your ad group. 5. Name the area, country, territory, regions, cities, or customized. 6. Make your ad - it needs to have a high CTR (click through ratio). Take care to do this well.
Tips In Improving Your Campaign:
1. Monitor your campaigns well and carefully. 2. Join high paying affiliate programs to offset costs and make this campaign really effective. 3. Use as many keywords as you can to attract all the people in your market.
Mistakes to Avoid:
1. Do not use mirror sites. For Google campaigns, it is good to have a landing page for your program if possible. 2. No Pop ups or Pop under are allowed by Google 3. Do not bid too high - although Google will often adjust this and lower your bid
Google Adwords is very cost effective. It only takes a $5 deposit to start off your campaign. Read the entire tutorial that Google provides very carefully before you begin. Start with low bids and work up. Understand that some keywords will have high bids and others low ones. You will need to watch your campaign very well to ensure it is not going over your budget.
This campaign hinges on using targeted keywords. Google can supply you with some basic ones based on your web address. You can then further define and narrow down the options by [ ] and " " etc.
You can find excellent resources and products that pay well at this free website - You may take a little time to get the hang of this but once you do, you will consider affiliate programs and Google Adwords are indeed a match made in heaven for making money online.


Can You Quit You Job With Affiliate Marketing? by Lubowa.M.Planet

There are over a million affiliate programs out there in as many industries as you can ever wish of in the world. There is an affiliate program out there for just about anything that you could possibly think of. But can you quit your job with affiliate marketing? How easy is it to make job-killing money with affiliate programs? Well, the answer is different for different people especially because not all people are able to make a single dime from the Internet. So if you listen to the advice of such people, you will never quit your job. But my answer is that yes you can make job killing money with affiliate marketing. And I tend to give you the formula and resources in this article. I want to tell you that affiliate programs come in two basic shades. One, you sign up as an affiliate with a program, get your very own U.R.L. and agree to sell whatever it is they're selling and in exchange for doing this you receive a percentage of the sales, also called a commission. The commission ranges from from company to company and can range anywhere from 5% to 85%. A lot of this depends upon the price of the product and whether or not it's a product or service that is strictly an informational product delivered by computer such as an ebook or software, or an actual product with physical delivery such as consumer electronics, cosmetics, etc. The other way is for you to become an affiliate, of an affiliate, of an affiliate, and so on. This is also called Network or Multi-level Marketing. With this way of marketing, the idea is that you recruit or sign up a few individuals and they do the same, right on down to the last 'level'. With this type of program, you can make a little off of thousands of people, which in theory can add up to a lot of money. With this network marketing, if you keep advertising and recruiting, you'll eventually run across some individuals who are also highly motivated and they will be the ones who will in fact help to grow your business and income. The turnover rate is extremely high in this type of program especially if there's a monthly commitment involved. However, in this type of affiliate marketing, people will oftentimes hang around for a month or two but after a couple of months of paying and not seeing any results, they're usually gone.
Network marketing is good for residual income. Residual income is income, which you keep getting per month for a very long time as a result of an action you did only once. Such as recruiting only one paying affiliate into your program. To build a job killing income with network marketing is possible but takes a lot of time. But it is very good to invest time in it because the moment you have built your business, you will keep getting paid even when you are sick, whether it is raining or when you have died. And you can easily quit your job within like three years of dedication.
However, there is a quick way to quit your job with affiliate marketing. This is through promotion of affiliate products through click bank where you get paid once. There a people making 1000 dollars everyday just by doing this and you can also achieve it as I will show you. No matter what type of affiliate program you're talking about, a major issue is getting enough quality traffic to make any program work. When I first started marketing affiliate programs, I was completely ignorant of how much traffic it oftentimes took to make a sale. I did mass advertising on the Hit or Click Exchanges, Safe lists, FFA blasters, thinking that I could make lots of money. I am not saying you cannot get traffic with these, you can get lot of traffic by doing the Traffic or Hit exchanges, but they mainly consist of other marketers and advertisers trying to sell their own product or program. So before you start marketing anything, to make a job quitting income, you should come up with a plan on how you're going to market the product or program. You may be able to make money with free advertising but it's more than likely that you'll have to spend some money to make some. This is especially true if you are promoting click bank products.


How to Find the Best Products on the Internet by BetterZine Publisher

If you have ever embarked on a shopping expedition on the Internet, you know its easy to get lost in a sea of look-alike products and copycat offers. The Internet offers everything you could ever want. In fact, it offers about 50 different versions of everything you want.
The problem is, not you or anyone else on the planet has time to sort through all the offers for the best one. That is the beauty of ClickBank storefront websites. ClickBank offers over 11,400 of the Internets best, most in-demand electronically deliverable products. But don;t be overwhelmed by the sheer number of products and opportunities ClickBank offers. Everything is appropriately categorized, making it easy to find the products and opportunities you want.
But not all ClickBank storefronts are created equal. These storefronts are run by affiliates, and most of their parent companies only allow them to sell about 20% of the products and services Clickbank offers.
If you want to find the most extensive selection of products,there is only ClickBank Storefront to offer the full line of ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace products. With the vastness of the Internet expanding every minute of every day, 1st Promotion strives to continuously make shopping at their ClickBank Storefronts as enjoyable as possible. Their marketplace includes an extensive selection of shopping categories, such as Business-to-Business, Computer and Internet, Fun and Entertainment, Health and Fitness, Home and Family, Marketing and Advertising, Money and Employment, Society and Culture, and Sports and Recreation.
Also, if you are interested in owning your own Internet business, becoming a 1st Promotion affiliate offers top commissions on over 11,400 ClickBank products, and more benefits than all the other ClickBank Storefronts combined.
1stPromotion has also just announced the industry's first search box plug-in which duplicates the abilities of the search box located on the Pro Storefront, and allows webmasters to very simply integrate this capability right into their other existing web sites. This unleashes virtually undiscovered streams of revenue for many of 1stPromotion's members.
Either way, next time you decide to do a little Internet shopping, use a 1st Promotion ClickBank site and you will find exactly what you a;re looking for in no time.
Want to own your own ClickBank Storefront and earn commissions of over 11,400 of the Internets most in-demand products? Find out how!
Visit 1stPromotion


Best Affiliate Ebook I Read - Honest Review by Tomas Solcansky

Holly Mann is the author of brand new"Honest Riches 2". This is an ebook about how to start an online business. Read on for the review. I was very skeptical because I have been taken by a couple of get rich online ebooks before. There are some legitimate ebooks around that actually give you tips and tricks and show you how to produce an income from your home but you never know until you buy them. Holly Mann wrote Honest Riches 2 in an effort to help people avoid all the scams and really make some money from the internet. Holly Mann is a veteran in the army and she stayed up night after night in search of a better way. This is probably why you are reading this article right now, you are looking for a better way. After many attempts and failures Holly finally discovered how to make money online. In just 4 short months she created several streams of income to start earning over $12,000 per month. She then turned around and wrote her ebook, "Honest Riches 2" , so the average person looking to make it online could succeed without being ripped off. At this point I had already purchased so many ebooks and at the price Holly's ebook goes for I though it was well worth it. After reading I had a whole page of ideas to put into action. I really like how she sticks to teaching people how to make money with affiliate programs. You will then learn about website design and optimization. This is important because this is how you will get visitors to your page. Next, there is a whole section about how to advertise your website. Holly goes into detail exactly how she does this and how it helps her to get visitors to her websites. While I have purchased several other money making ebooks such as, Rich Jerk and Beating Adwords, Holly Mann's ebook sticks to the basics of how to get started in internet marketing and it is very easy to follow and implement, even for a beginner. Every chapter in the ebook is loaded with useful tools and information that will make your life easier and save you a bundle of time. One great feature of her ebook is that you get access to a forum where you can post questions. Holly participates in the forum all the time too. So now you probably want to know if Holly Mann's ebook "Honest Riches" ( Thank You Rich Jerk ) is worth the money. My answer, along with many other buyers is, yes! You will learn about the world of internet and affiliate marketing, how to advertise your website, and best of all, how to make money on the internet even with no starts-up money. After all, that is what it is all about. Do you know that more and more people are being laid-off from their jobs that they have been so loyal to for the past 20 years? How are you going to earn money if this happens to you. What about supplementing your income. Visit: Holly Mann, author of brand new Honest Riches 2 at

Mar 7, 2007


The Cheapest And Fastest Way To Advertise On The Internet by Daniel Alan

Posting on forums is one of the cheapest and fastest ways in which you can advertise affiliates products on the Internet. However, in order to do this successfully, you must do a number of things carefully.
Warning! Simply starting a thread that contains an affiliate link might be a good way to get banned from a particular forum board, but it will never be a good way to make sales.
The general procedure involves making multiple posts on a forum board before you even setup a signature file, which includes a link to your site. Even if the particular forum you are using does not specifically mandate this, you will want to do this, anyway, as it will increase your credibility, which is your real goal.
You can start by finding a number of forums for your particular niche or marketing angle.
Now, once you have found a number of directories that match your specific marketing angle and affiliate product, you will want to investigate to determine whether or not they have excess rules regulating signature files.
For instance, some sites do not allow any links in signature files; others, by contrast, allow links, but do not allow any commercial links. Make sure you know what the rules are before you post. Otherwise, you are simply setting yourself up to be banned from the forum.
Next, take the list of forums you have created, that are both relevant to your topic and allow commercial links and begin developing a reputation on those forums. Post regularly, avoid meaningless fights and flaming, and contribute useful, on-target information to discussions. In a matter of 1-2 weeks, you will have developed a reputation, provided that the forum receives a considerable amount of traffic.
Once you have developed a good reputation, you will want to begin advertising through your forum signature. Ideally, you will want to include some eye-catching assortment of colors, symbols, and words in your signature.
This will draw people's attention. You will then want to link them to something other than an affiliate page, whether it be a page you created to sell an affiliate product or an auto responder course used to capture email addresses.
Remember to repeat this process in all applicable forums. Look for high traffic forums that allow commercial link posting in signature files and that also happen to fit with your specific audience-targeting and marketing angle goals.
Next, create a reputation. Last, add your signature in some attractive way that draws visitors' attention, but is also likely to convert them into interested clickers. You will find that this form of advertising pays off considerably and does so faster than other methods available.


3 Ways To Effectively Advertise In E-zines And Reap A Profit From Affiliate Products by Daniel Alan

So how can you affectively advertise in E-zines and reap a profit from affiliate products? There are a number of different ways, of which, I will cover three below:
1. Target E-zines that are related to your specific affiliate product.
Create a viral report that is related to your affiliate Purchase sponsor ads in reputable E-zines and send all of those interested to a page where they can download your viral report for free. This report will have an embedded affiliate link, which will generate sales on your behalf.
2. Create a persuasive solo ad.
Again, start off by purchasing solo ad space in cheaper E-zines; ones that are responsive, but have a low subscription count. Test your solo ads to determine your approximate conversion rate with the given affiliate product. Once you have a rough handle on your profit margin, attempt to market your solo ads in larger publications, including e-zines with subscriber bases of over 100,000. Keep in mind that this will be expensive, but it will also pay off if you did your homework in the previous steps.
3. Last, consider targeting high-end online publications with your ads.
These will include ones that don't normally include their sites in E-zine directories, such as authority sites that publish a monthly E-zine in PDF format. These often have high response rates and will similarly draw the best response if you use them correctly.
Once you have selected reputable e-zines to advertise in, you will then want to begin creating your solo ad. There are a number of writing formulas you can use to do this; however, you will always want to keep in mind what it is that your potential customer wants most.
In conclusion, promoting your website and making profits from it using E-zines is a very viable and effective method. You just have to keep in mind what it is that people want and need. I'll give you a quick recap of the three most effective tips for using this powerful method:
- Target E-zines that are related to your specific affiliate product.
- Create a persuasive solo ad.
- Consider targeting high-end online publications with your ads.
In advertising, it is often easy to project our own wants in a given product onto potential buyers; however, it is important when communicating with them that you talk about their wants, not yours.
I hope you don't take this advice lightly, and is it could mean sink or float for you and your online aspirations.


Which Affiliate Program Do I Choose to Market? by Peter Robson

Which Affiliate Program Do I Choose to Market?
Research and you will find the right affiliate program for you! Ask and it will be explained to you. The answers are out there waiting for you. Don't be afraid to ask the sellers of their affiliate program what you need to know before making any decision.
Joining any if not all affiliate programs should be free. So ask the seller if its going to cost you anything or not. If you must pay then what the point of joining - ask?
Its nice to know when you receive your cheques when you do start getting the traffic and your affiliate program link is being clicked. Find out what your payment schedule will be - weekly, bi-monthly or monthly. Sometimes affiliate programs require a minimum commission to be earned before any payment it made so this is also important to know.
How will your affiliate program generate its commission? Will it be by the number of clicks the affiliate banner, affiliate graphic or affiliate text link will receive? If this is one of the ways you will be generating affiliate income then you will need to be aware of this feature int he affiliate program.
Don't forget to make sure that tracking of the affiliate program you refer is in place by the affiliate program seller to ensure that you are always paid commission for the affiliate program referrals you make. And will this tracking be recorded months later in the event your visitor isn't a first time buyer but purchases from your afiliate program link months later.
Whatever affiliate program you choose must also provide adequate tracking and detailed statistic features. These statistics should be available online always. You will need to be able to review these statistics anytime so that you can see how many hits/clicks the affiliate program graphic or text received; how many impressions (the number of times) the affiliate program was viewed in the visitors browser.
Another important factor to know is whether you will be paid commission by the number of impressions the affiliate program receives. Remember impressions are the number of times the affiliate program is viewed in the browser. If the your affiliate is has a low sales to click ratio this is important to know.
Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site.
Is the company you will be associated with in the affiliate program a solid bricks and mortar company? Get to know who they are and acquaint yourself fully with their product. By knowing the product and the company you will be able to make a better marketing presentation in the affiliate marketplace.
Will your choice of affiliate program allow you to sponsor more affiliates? And will any referrals these sponsors generate add to your commission. In other words, is the referral program a one tier or two tier program? Often two tier programs not only pay commission of the sponsors referral but also on having recruited that sponsor.
5% - 20% is the commission paid by most programs. Is a commission scale of .01% - .05% paid for each hit or impressions? Understanding these scales and rations is important in finally deciding whether you have the right affiliate program.
There are many more questions you will have but for the time being the above will give you a good starting point in deciding which is the right affiliate program for you. Don't be afraid to ask as many question as possible before making your choice. Your time and effort is just as important to you as it is to your affiliate before you beging to market any affiliate program.

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