Mar 24, 2007


10 Effective Ways To Promote Your Affiliate Programs by James Woolley

Promoting affiliate programs can undoubtedly produce great financial returns, but unfortunately most people never see these kinds of returns because they never figure out how to effectively promote their affiliate programs. Well this article will hopefully solve this problem as listed below are ten of the best methods you can use to start earning regular affiliate commissions.
1. Forums
Forums are one the most effective ways of marketing your affiliate programs if done correctly. By posting in relevant forums that allow sig files (where you can link to your own affiliate site, or directly to the product you are promoting if this is allowed) you can reach a targeted audience quickly and easily. As long as you post constructive comments, then you should see plenty of people clicking on your sig files to learn more about you, and the products you are promoting.
2. Articles
Writing articles is another cost-effective way of reaching your targeted market. By writing quality articles (that contain your resource box where you can link to your affiliate site) and submitting them to the various article directories, you can gain enormous exposure for your offers. A few people will come across your article in the article directories themselves, but it's when website owners and ezine publishers pick up your article that you can really reach a massive target audience.
3. Press Releases
Press releases are similar to articles in that they provide a quick and easy way of reaching a large target audience. They can best be used when you have something newsworthy to say about either your own site or the actual products you are promoting. All you do is write the press release (in a journalistic style) and submit it to one of the larger online (or offline) press agencies.
4. Search Engine Optimization
This is probably the optimal form of promotion, but it's also the most time-consuming, and it can take many months before you start to see any results. Nevertheless, if you can take time to optimize your website, and gain a lot of backlinks to your site using relevant keywords (including long-tail buying keywords) as the anchor text, you can receive a lot of traffic to your website when you start to obtain high search engine rankings.
5. Pay Per Click Advertising
This is a highly effective way of promoting your affiliate programs, either directly, or by using your own website to pre-sell the visitor. Pay per click advertising gives you the ability to advertise on the first few pages of results of the search engines for the exact keywords that you choose, so it's no wonder that so many affiliates swear by this form of advertising. The main thing to remember is that you have to keep testing as much as possible and make sure you don't spend too much per click on any of your keywords, so you maintain a positive return on your investment.
6. Advertising On Other Websites
You can buy advertising space or text links from numerous websites in all types of niches, so there's plenty of opportunity to advertise your offers on other websites. The only downside is that it can be tricky finding websites that will give you a positive return on your investment, but if you can do this then there's definitely good profits to be made.
7. Free Reports And Ebooks
Writing free reports and ebooks provide an excellent opportunity to access your target market, particularly if you add a viral aspect to them. All you do is write your own content, based around the product you are promoting, and include your affiliate links within this content. If your information is of a high quality, you can get massive exposure for your affiliate links as people pass it on to other people, and share it with their list of subscribers if they have one.
8. Blogs
Promotional blogs are a modern and extremely effective way of promoting your affiliate programs. Because they often contain fresh content on an ongoing basis, they are loved by the major search engines, and can therefore attract high levels of traffic.
9. Email Marketing
Advertising in relevant ezines has traditionally been a good way of promoting affiliate programs. Although not as effective as it once was due to strict spam filters, a well-written solo ad or an attention-grabbing classified ad in a targeted high readership ezine can still get great results. For best results, however, you should aim to build your own list of subscribers so you can send out your emails whenever you want, and can actually build a relationship with your list, which will increase your affiliate sales.
10. Offline Advertising
This is the final of form of advertising I want to discuss. Most online marketers ignore offline advertising completely, but there's no doubt that offline advertising still works, and can even outperform online advertising in some cases. Business cards, flyers, magazine and newspaper advertising are just some of the ways you can effectively promote products offline.

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