Mar 10, 2007


What are Affiliate Programs? by Roy H. White

Affiliate programs are all over the internet. Basically an affiliate program is a joint venture between you and a company or individual that allows you to promote their products and earn a commission for each sale.
Did you know that affiliate programs are the best kept secret on the internet? If you have ever visited a company website you may have seen terms such as 'Join Affiliate Program' or 'Make Money'. These are some of the terms used to identify affiliate programs. To find an affiliate program online you can simply go to any search engine and type in the word affiliate program. Other sites such as and provide a list of these programs.
The benefits of an affiliate program include small risks as you are given highly marketable products and services to promote. It is also easy since you don't need to worry about shipping, customer service, credit card accounts and other overhead associated with a business. You can promote more than one program which enables you to diversify and generate multiple streams of income. Some companies provide you wit the necessary training and tolls to help you promote their products. These benefits are tremendous and are available to be taken full advantage of.
If you already have a website you can use an affiliate link to promote other products on your site. If you don't have a website you can send traffic directly to your affiliate link. There is no fee or cost to sign up with affiliate programs.
Find an affiliate program and you can start making money online today.

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