Mar 10, 2007


How to Make Money from your 404 Error Page - 404 Secrets - A Review by Dorothea Carney

I just love it when I accidentally stumble upon some fantastic information to help people make money. Well, here's my latest finding, and although it probably won't make you enough money to retire with, it could help to generate some passive income with almost no work!
Have you ever clicked on a particular website only to get a message that says, "File Not Found," or "404 Error" or some other message which in effect says, "Sorry, pal, you typed in the wrong URL." So you either keep trying, or you give up for the moment, depending on how busy you are and how important it is to get to that website. You may in fact, never get around to going back to that website.
Now, suppose YOU are website owner? You might have a personal website, or a business website. If it's a business website and someone reaches this "error" page, you just lost a customer. Maybe they'll try again, but maybe they'll never return, and it's a shame, since no one is in business to turn away customers.
Well there's a solution to this problem and that's what I'm so excited about. Jason Dinner, one of Mike Filsaime's protégés has produced a special report along with a step by step video which will show you a way to "monetize" your 404 Error Page, so when people reach that page by accident, they are presented with a special offer! The best part is that there is no extra work on your part to generate this passive income over and over again. You simply add a small snippet code of your website and that's it! Jason explains in explicit detail exactly how to do this.
Now, I'm no techie, but I can tell you that when you watch the Camtasia video that walks you through the process, you'll know exactly what to do. He made it so simple, that even I could understand it! Just visit:
Remember, it only takes few minutes to set up the process, which will not only give you a way to generate a passive income, but will also keep your customers happy!

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